Foodwhirl Page for Emily

About Emily

I started The Happy Home as an outlet to express my multi-faceted creativity. My parents can attest to the fact that I’ve been painting, sanding, re-doing and destroying things/furniture my entire life– they have photos of me peeling wallpaper off the walls at a two years old, and in high school, I worked at Michael’s Arts & Crafts to feed my DIY addiction.
Death By Chocolate Trifle

Every summer, my siblings and I would beg and plead and holler for our mother to make her fanciest dessert. Once I became an adult, I realized just how easy it was to construct her famous Death by Chocolate Trifle. From the original site: I hate cliches. Years of college writing classes beat them out […]

Pumpkin Spice French Toast

Is there any better way to incorporate the flavor of fall into your home? On Saturday mornings, heat up the skillet and fill your entire home with the scent of pumpkin pie! From the original site: These toasts frying up is pretty much the smell of heaven. The vanilla/cinnamon/nutmeg smells waft through the house and […]

Farmer’s Market Scramble

The Olympics does this to you. You’ll be sitting on your butt eating Cheetos and then… blammo. You realize you’ve been eating nothing but complete crap your entire life and, DUH, if you just ate organic free-range celery, you would totally be (and look like) that beach volleyball player. Enter: the farmer’s market trip on […]