Foodwhirl Page for revatis

Rice with Shrimp & Shimeji

Discovering exotic mushrooms at the supermarket can be fun. Especially when it makes you discover a brilliant Japanese Rice dish that’s bursting with flavour and spice. Yum. And oh, did I mention, so EASY! From the original site: It’s got a nice spicy flavour that hits the back of your throat, and smells divine!

Oranger Pistachio Biscotti

This is a really easy recipe that gives you a great tasting exotic biscotti. Don’t let anyone in on our secret though. Shhh. From the original site: I also discovered a very sweet looking bottle of Oranger from Tunisia. Of course I brought it back.

Capuccino Biscotti with Hazelnut and Almond

It’s great that this biscotti keeps for over a week, but it’ll never last that long in the jar. This recipe adapted from Sur la Table is quick, easy and unbelievably scrumptious! Make lots because you’ll want to wow everyone you know with it. From the original site: They are good make-ahead cookies and keep […]

Croissants you can conquer

This recipe stems from Julia Child’s traditional Croissants and Pain au Chocolat recipe. It might seem a bit daunting at first, but you realise that’s because each step is really detailed out, to help walk you through the entire process. It makes something so complicated and challenging quite a cakewalk. And you’re sure to feel […]