Welcome to Foodwhirl!

Whew!  It’s been a rough couple of weeks, but it’s all pulled together beautifully! Welcome to our new site.  We’re very excited to be here, and for you to be here too! A good place to start :  Read all about us, and our mission here on our About page… Or just dive right into […]

Budget friendly romance

Whether for Valentine’s Day, an anniversary, or just because, you can transform a routine dinner into a romantic experience with a few easy steps. Planning a special night doesn’t have to be stressful or expensive, just focus on a handful of sensual details and let the rest fade into the candlelight. http://www.flickr.com/photos/darwinbell/ / CC BY-NC […]

A flexible “roasted” dinner… Kabobs with Roasted Veggies

Shrimp and Sausage Kabobs with Roasted Vegetables There are many foods, particularly vegetables, which are excellent roasted in the oven. So if you’re going to heat the oven up to roast a veggie or two, why not make a meal out of it? This dinner idea can be pulled together relatively quickly (to the table […]

Welcome to the Beta Test!

And… We’re up! We’re ready to announce to the world in just a few days, but we’d love some friendly people to check out the site and let us know if there are any issues.  This is a soft launch, so although the world can now access foodwhirl.com, we’re waiting a few days before we […]

Not Your Mom’s Tuna Surprise

It seems that everyone has a fond (or not so fond) memory of a tuna “surprise”  from their childhood.  My version is a riff on a recipe I saw while watching Jacques Pepin on PBS.  This is a really fluid recipe- substitute what you have on hand for a quick and easy mid-week meal Here’s […]

Spotlight – Make Fortune Cookies

Did you know Valentines Day and Chinese New Year are both on Feb 14th this year? Here’s a fun way to combine the two… Make homemade fortune cookies, tucking special personalized notes in for your sweetie! We found these great instructions for making your our fortune cookies at the very cool food blog, FoodMayhem.com. Here’s […]

Party Food Basics: Appetizer Shells

So, you’re having a party, and you need appetizers… some small bites that will taste yummy and appease those hoards of guests. But also be easy to serve, easy to eat… So, you figure I’ll buy some of those little edible cups (phyllo shells, or what not) and fill them with my savory or sweet […]

Overnight roast pork: cook while you sleep!

This is a recipe I rely on a LOT.  It is so easy and versatile and it requires little or no attention once you’ve got it prepped.  I mean, it cooks while you SLEEP – who can’t work that into their schedule? The inspiration for this recipe comes straight from my Granddaddy Gene.  He was […]

30 Minute Vegetable Soup

My mother use to call this “Dump Soup” because she’d just dump whatever she had into it, but that name just didn’t stick because of all of the wisecracks from family and friends.    That said, you can literally dump whatever vegetables you like and have on hand into this soup and you’ve got a wholesome […]

Heading back to work…

…is looming over my head.  I’ve been out on maternity leave for the past three months, and while I’m looking forward to the adult interaction and intellectual stimulation that comes with doing my job, I’m not looking forward to leaving my three-month-old baby behind.  He’s just now starting to get really interesting. Having been home […]

Slow Cooker Pot Roast

This is the recipe that will give me the meat I’ll use for dinner all week.  Because I’ll be using the leftover meat in very different recipes I keep my pot roast pretty simple. Here’s what you’ll need: 1 beef roast- the largest that will fit in your crock pot. 1 large yellow onion- rough […]

A Week’s Worth of Beef-To be Contiued when I have meat again.

One of my favorite tricks is to take a single cut of meat and turn it into a weeks worth of meals.  This week at the grocery store beef roasts were on sale.  I snagged a 6 pound roast for about $17.00.  For dinner tonight we’ll have pot roast (made in the crock pot).  But […]

Quick, Easy & Healthy BBQ Chicken Dinner

By Rawls I’ve been working so hard on opening a business and other things this week, that I found myself worn out today and wanting a quick fix for dinner.  Scanning through the fridge, I found some roasted chicken, some fresh organic corn, and lots of organic salad stuff.    And we’d gotten some  BBQ sauce called […]

Spotlight: S’moreffles!

Today’s inspiration from around the web comes from the daring site, Waffleizer (the blog that answers the question “Will it Waffle?”… When we saw this example of Waffle-y goodness, the S’moreffle, it was just too good not to share. According to the good folks at Waffleizer: For s’mores, you need marshmallows, chocolate and graham crackers. […]

About Karen

Hello, my name is Karen and I am NOT a foodie. I do however, like to eat. A lot. I like to eat a lot of food…a lot. My approach to food has its’ basis in four tenets: 1. I love to cook 2. I despise artificial ingredients of any kind. 3. I am frugal. […]

Addy- the self portrait
About Addy

I’ve always enjoyed making a mess in the kitchen.  As a small child I used to sneak into the kitchen to make “rabbit stew” (this consisted of emptying my mom’s spices into a large pot of water.  Yeah, I was a great kid.) These days I spend my time in the kitchen cobbling together “what-ever-the-heck-you’ve-got […]

About Dawn

Hey, I’m Dawn. I am a trained researcher and enjoy the science of baking. I’m also a professional crafter who specializes in recycled materials. That same theory follows me into the kitchen – I absolutely hate throwing food away. I work hard to find ways to use up that last bit of canned pumpkin or […]

About Patricia

Hi, I’m Patricia. I grew up in Georgia with a Korean mother who cooked everything from homemade biscuits and gravy to bulgogi equally well.  She rarely used recipes except when she baked a red velvet cake. I believe this is why I don’t really follow recipes (and why I love red velvet cake).  I may […]

About Rawls

Hi, I’m Rawls.  I am a yoga instructor, nutrition consultant and self-proclaimed “greenie” and I love to cook.    I’m far from being a true chef, and I don’t always follow “the rules” of cooking, but most everything I make turns out really good, if I do say so myself. I am mostly a vegetarian, though […]

About Niki

Hi, I’m Niki.  I was born and raised in the South, where learning to cook seems to be mandated from birth.  I currently live in a suburb of Atlanta, GA, where I am completely outnumbered by the men in my life – my husband, two young boys and our dog, Charlie.  If left to their […]

About Dot

Hi! I’m Dot [aka Nancy(long story)] My mom always used to say “If you can read, you can cook”. Well, while that’s partially true, I think the keys to being a good cook are experimentation, practice, and learning good techniques. I’ve been cooking for as long as I can remember, and I’m probably most influenced […]