Back to School Healthy Lunch Ideas
Back to School Healthy Lunch Ideas – mouth watering and kids approved quick recipes.
Back to School Healthy Lunch Ideas – mouth watering and kids approved quick recipes.
Just ran across this at WellATL, and while they claim these recipes don’t require prep work like chopping, that claim pretty much relies on you purchasing pre-prepped vegetables. But if you’re in a hurry, and can find these already chopped up for you, more power to you, but I’d probably just chop them myself. Because […]
Wanna know more about Italian cheeses? I know I never can keep them straight, so I loved this article by Foodwhirl’s lovely friend Talk of Tomatoes. It’s a very cool post detailing the differences between Parmesan, Pecorino, Asiago and Romano cheeses. Interesting and informative! I was really tempted to categorize this post under ‘main course’ […]
Crock Pot Freezer cooking is the way for a busy family to do it! Take an afternoon and you can put together 40 meals all ready to go into the crock pot! Get the Recipe: 40 Meals in 4 Hours
Here at Foodwhirl HQ, we occasionally get products to review, and one of the ones I received ages ago was Just Great Stuff Organic Powdered Peanut Butter. I kept meaning to try it in a smoothy or something, but I’m just not really a smoothy kind of girl. And I kinda forgot I had it. I mean […]
I’ve always loved naan, the Indian flatbread. It’s so versatile. I’m sure there are recipes out there to make your own, but I’m not really one for making my own bread, particularly when you can get good bread at the market. The lovely people at Stonefire flatbreads sent me some samples to try* and […]
Check this out at @perrysplate: I love lists of ideas to do with a particular ingredient! Natalie shares some great ideas and recipes on what to do with a CSA haul containing bell peppers and tomatillos. I’m loving the inspiring list of recipes featuring bell peppers, and for the tomatillos, she includes a handy recipe for […]
I was talking to a friend the other day who is in awe of the ability to cook, without following a set recipe. She doesn’t feel confident in her ability to cook unless she’s following instructions step by step. If you’re a seasoned non-recipe, experimenting chef, this article is not for you. But if you […]
Love this great post from Can You Stay For Dinner — Not only does the easy lemon chicken cordon bleu recipe look very tasty, but I really like her thoughts about how she comes up with dinners for the week… go see! “Truth: I cook all of the meals that I eat during the week […]
Love this post from Can You Stay For Dinner… Not only does it have 5 yummy looking healthy dinners to add to your repertoire (like the Spicy Black Bean Stuffed Peppers, shown) but some really great tips for staying within your budget while shopping, but not skimping on what is important to you. Excellent advice! […]
I know moms/dads everywhere make kitchen discoveries; we have mini light bulb ‘a-ha!’ moments as we figure out how to make things work… better. Each little ‘helpful hint’ isn’t worth shouting about… but maybe here and there a list proves useful to another parent-making-lunches. Little dots of wisdom that speckle our kitchens—that aid our lunch-making […]
This month were going to be talking about feeding the kids, especially for Back To School. Our school starts very early (it started this week!) and we have a new kindergartner, so this is a topic that I’ve been thinking about a great deal… So first off, here are some collected ideas that may help […]
Summer is drawing to a close soon, and that means school will be starting! For August, Foodwhirl is looking for clever ideas for lunches to pack for school, and we know our readers have some… Do you have a great tip lunches that stay good in a lunchbox, or how to plan ahead for lunches […]
Dot’s Note: I had to add the word ‘effectively’ to the title of this post because the nosy husband was reading over my shoulder, mocking me that freezing ground beef should just require putting it in the freezer. Sigh. Men. We’re all looking for ways to stretch our food dollar these days, and also–if you’re […]
More in this series: Really GOOD Tofu, I swear! | Shrimp and Asparagus Noodle Salad | Tasty Tofu Pad Thai | Summer Shrimp Sushi Don’t ya just hate it when trying out new recipes, and you need to go buy special ingredients, that aren’t used in your normal recipe repertoire… ? So you use just […]
Some of us who are organic snobs would say “always”, but we all know that buying organic all the time, while honorable, is just not always feasible. If you have one of the big organic stores near you, lucky you! If not, consider alternatives such as seeking out an organic co-op, CSA, farmers market or local farm. Otherwise, you […]
I subscribe to all manner of blogs, both through my feed reader and through Facebook. Today I got a message on my Facebook wall for the Super Healthy Kids Blog featuring an article about 10-cent breakfast. Obviously, I couldn’t pass it up! In the article, the blogger discusses her struggles with staying within her monthly […]
Life has been pretty hectic these days. On top of hubby’s two jobs, my part-time job and our two little ones, we’ve decided to move. Which means packing. And cleaning. And getting our house ready to go on the market. And working. And cleaning some more. So where, in the midst of all that, do […]
You may or may not know that Rawls, one of our esteemed contributors, is a huge proponent of Community Supported Agriculture programs (CSA’s) and of using organic and local produce. She is affiliated with Gaia’s Greens, a south-metro-Atlanta based CSA program and organic produce delivery service. I live on the north side of town, and […]
In these times, we’re all trying to save money. One thing I always do is look for what’s on sale, and how I can do multiple meals with it. This technique also helps you keep a stocked freezer, that will help you out when you need a meal in a pinch! At the grocery store […]
We’re in the middle of Bacon Week here at Foodwhirl and it’s time we had a discussion on what exactly bacon is. Bacon is a type of cured pork. You hear of turkey bacon or lamb bacon or tofu bacon- these products are not bacon, they are simply treated in a manner to resemble bacon. […]
We have a new (rapidly growing) baby in our house, which means we’re still adjusting to how much to budget for groceries each month now that we’ve added formula and diapers to the mix. It seems we always get to the last week of the month having already maxed out our monthly budget. We try […]
Whether for Valentine’s Day, an anniversary, or just because, you can transform a routine dinner into a romantic experience with a few easy steps. Planning a special night doesn’t have to be stressful or expensive, just focus on a handful of sensual details and let the rest fade into the candlelight. / CC BY-NC […]
One of my favorite tricks is to take a single cut of meat and turn it into a weeks worth of meals. This week at the grocery store beef roasts were on sale. I snagged a 6 pound roast for about $17.00. For dinner tonight we’ll have pot roast (made in the crock pot). But […]