Farmer’s Market Scramble

The Olympics does this to you. You’ll be sitting on your butt eating Cheetos and then… blammo. You realize you’ve been eating nothing but complete crap your entire life and, DUH, if you just ate organic free-range celery, you would totally be (and look like) that beach volleyball player. Enter: the farmer’s market trip on Sunday morning.


4 eggs
1 tablespoon milk
1 cup chopped tomatoes
3 green onions (just the whites), chopped
1/2 pound washed spinach
1/2 cup fresh dill
1 tablespoon butter, melted


Crack your eggs into a bowl, and whip up your eggs with the tablespoon of milk. Set aside
In a skillet, melt your butter until just foamy. Make sure the heat is low.
Saute your tomatoes and green onions until soft. Then, pour in the egg/milk mixture and begin to slowly stir with a non-stick spatula. This is going to take a while to cook; just stir slowly so the eggs don’t burn or lose their fluff. Once the eggs are about set, add the spinach and stir once again to wilt.
Once everything is cooked, dish onto a plate and top with dill.

This will serve 2 people nicely!


Originally published 8/15/12