How to Stuff Burgers: Bacon and Blue Cheese

A few weeks ago we had an impromptu grilling party with friends, and these were the burgers we made.  They were such a hit, I figured you guys might like to see how to make them!  This is a quick technique that can be used to spice up any type of burger…  but in this case, we used blue cheese and crumbled bacon.

Tip: Use a kitchen scale to get perfectly sized burgers.

Approx 6.5 oz of hamburger meat makes a nice sized burger with room for stuffing.

Measure out a ball of your meat by weight, then pull off the top part of the ball.

Flatten the larger ball into a patty by hand, about 1/2 inch thick.

Press down gently in the center so that the edges for a slight ridge to hold your filling.

Sprinkle in 1-2 Tbsp of blue cheese (just eyeball it, enough to fill the space without overflowing.)

Top with a sprinkling of cooked bacon.


Form the top ball into a patty of approximately the same size, and place on top.

Gently press the edges together, and form into a single patty.

Be careful, you don’t want to work the meat too much or it will get tough.

(the plate in the back of the top photo has a couple of finished burgers on it.)

Then cook your burgers as you would normally, to the desired temp.

We were particularly decadent in this case, and topped the cooked burgers with EXTRA blue cheese… yum!

You don’t have to use bacon and blue cheese of course…  Mushrooms, other cheeses, just about anything you might put ON TOP of a burger can be stuffed inside it.  I love the idea of stuffing with jalopenos and jack cheese, and topping with salsa, but the possibilities are endless!