Tag Archives: BaconWeek

Bacon cups from Not Martha
Bacon Week Link Roundup

As Bacon Week nears it’s end, here are some additional bacon related eats you might enjoy! Some sound tasty, some sound clever, and some are just weird… I’ve always wanted to try these: Bacon cups by not martha Interesting…Bacon Peanut Butter Chocolate Cupcake at Serious Eats These bacon wrapped jalopenos from the Pioneer Woman Cooks […]

Bacon Wrapped Cheese Filled Figs!

Foodwhirl friend Talk of Tomatoes sends us the lovely idea for Bacon Week! Grilled food is always fun, and as Janelle points out, there’s nothing wrong with grilling in the winter.. I have been told—even chastised—for not heating up the grill in the dead of winter. I am beginning to heed that advice, taking off […]

Bacon Wrapped Jalapeno Poppers

You know it’s really hard to do a bacon recipe when you don’t eat bacon!   It’s not that I don’t like bacon, I really love it!  But about 5 years ago, I somehow became allergic to all pork, beef and lamb, so bacon had to be struck from my meal plans.  No BLT, no bacon […]

bacon_vodka by brownie points
Bacon! How about Bacon Vodka?

Welcome to day 4 of Bacon Week! This is an oldie but goodie… I remember when Brownie Points posted this way back in 2008 and I was inspired to go draw up a cartoon pig bacon vodka label*, and give a friend of mine a “Bacon Vodka Kit”** for Christmas. But maybe, just maybe, you’ve […]

How to cook Bacon in the Oven, and More!

Foodwhirl’s lovely friend Carissa, from Good N Crazy, had a great bacon filled post last week that I wanted to include in Bacon Week. She not only shares a very successful method for cooking bacon in the oven, with less mess, but also a bunch more interesting links! I do NOT love cooking bacon. Who […]

Bacon! Bacon + Cupcake = Yum!

Twitter friend @rit responded to our call for Bacon Related Goodies for Bacon Week, with this lovely idea! (Well, technically he started out with the idea of French Toast Bread Pudding with Bacon… anyone want to take on that challenge?). Danae, aka The Busty Baker came up with this delish sounding recipe for French Toast […]

Bacon! Bacon, Cheddar, Jalapeno Cornbread

One of my favorite meals growing up was a simple bowl of navy beans and cornbread.  Every time I would go to my grandparents’ house to visit, my grandmother would always fix this simple but flavorful meal for me the first night I was there.  I still love this combination, and make it occasionally for […]

Bacon! Candied Bacon Martini

Now that Grieg is an official host on Foodwhirl, I’m updating his old posts to show they are by him. – Dot To start off Bacon Week* here at Foodwhirl, our lovely friend Grieg brings us another of his Easy Entertaining Cocktails… Per Grieg:  “My friends seem to have an obsession with bacon, so i […]

Bacon! Bacon Caramel Corn

Welcome to day 1 of Bacon Week!  Where we welcome interesting and unusual dishes where bacon and/or it’s lovely flavor is the star…  Today we’re spotlighting The Cooking of Joy, and her inspiring dish, Bacon Caramel Corn! Bacon Caramel Corn It starts with the best and healthiest of intentions. When I saw that Boston Organics […]

Bacon - flickr user sixybeast/sam
Welcome to Bacon Week At Foodwhirl!

Welcome to our first theme week at Foodwhirl! To celebrate our 1 month anniversary on Wednesday, we’re going all out with Bacon! Don’t worry, we’ll still have our regular food, but our spotlights will be around interesting bacon dishes, and some of our regular posts will feature bacon as well… So, vegetarians look away (look! […]