Tag Archives: chili sauce

Balado Sambal – Indonesian Chili Sambal (sauce)

this type of sambal is the most “helpful” dish for every housewife in Indonesia, because with only one sauce we can prepare a different kind of dish everyday! From the original site: Balado sambal have a rich taste of flavor. A slightly sour taste from the fresh tomato, a sweet one from sugar and a […]

Garlic Chili Asian Salmon with asparagus - foodwhirl.com
Chili-Garlic Salmon, with Asparagus

Is anyone else behind on everything?  I’m feeling that way lately!  Between the 4 yr old being on ‘spring break’ last week, and getting my taxes done (nothing like waiting til the last minute!) and generally over-committing myself, I’m finally catching up. So, when your busy like that, finding time to cook a yummy/healthy meal […]

Pretty & Easy: Asian “Stirfry” with Chili Sauce

A go-to meal in everyone’s repertoire should be a basic stir fry. And once you get the basics down, you can improvise and improve on it to your hearts content. Technically, this isn’t a stir fry, because I don’t really stir-fry the meat, but you get the general idea. And of course, the chicken used […]