Tag Archives: peanut butter

S’mores Sandwich Cookies

30 minute Chewy Peanut Butter S’mores Sandwich Cookies. Real marshmallow sandwiched between two peanut butter and chocolate chip cookies. No campfire needed! Get the Recipe: S’mores Sandwich Cookies

Chewy Peanut Butter Cookies

Quick and Easy Chewy Peanut Butter Cookies. These cookies are super thick, melt in your mouth and can be made in 20 minutes or less! Get the Recipe: Chewy Peanut Butter Cookies

Peanut Butter & Nutella Milkshake

4 ingredient Creamy Peanut Butter & Nutella Milkshake. Takes less than 5 minutes to make! Get the Recipe: Peanut Butter & Nutella Milkshake

Peanut Butter Oatmeal Smoothie

Thick and creamy Peanut Butter Oatmeal Smoothie loaded with creamy peanut butter, old fashioned oats, bananas and vanilla soy milk. Get the Recipe: Peanut Butter Oatmeal Smoothie

Peanut Butter “Browndie”

Talking about these gorgeous Browndies, now you must be thinking what the hell is Browndie, so here’s the story for you… When I put them in the oven for baking till then they were suppose to be Blondies but then I got a call from my friend and by the time I checked my oven […]

powdered peanut butter is a great 'cheat' for quicky peanut sauce.
Stuff to buy: Powdered Peanut Butter makes easy, tasty Asian

Here at Foodwhirl HQ, we occasionally get products to review, and one of the ones I received ages ago was Just Great Stuff Organic Powdered Peanut Butter.  I kept meaning to try it in a smoothy or something, but I’m just not really a smoothy kind of girl.  And I kinda forgot I had it.  I mean […]

Homemade Healthy Peanut Butter Cups

What a wonderful thing to make I spotted at An Edible Mosaic. I’m not sure I believe the ‘healthy enough for breakfast’ claim, but they look scrumptious and definitely worth trying out. Get the Recipe: Homemade Healthy Peanut Butter Cups

Whole-Wheat Peanut Butter Cookie

Here’s a whole some cookie (for kids and adults alike), with rich peanut flavour and the goodness and health benefits of whole wheat. From the original site: have some really good “whole-wheat” cookie recipes which I often make and since its summer vacation time, with the kids at home and constantly hungry, we decided to […]

Peanut Butter Crunch Chocolate Treats

I love making this recipe for get-togethers or just for fun for my husband to take to work. It’s easy to make, beautiful to look at and delicious to devour! The pastel M&M’s make it especially pretty for springtime or Easter. From the original site: The treat are really quite simple to make; just like […]

Magic Middle Peanut Butter cookies by Gonna Want Seconds
Spotlight: Magic Middle Peanut Butter Cookies

Foodwhirl readers are so creative!  Here’s a great idea from Kathleen, at Gonna Want Seconds..  Magic Middle Peanut Butter Cookies. Chocolate on the outside, and peanut butter centers? Like a Reese’s Cup in cookie form.. Oh! My! Gosh!  I mean  seriously! I think I should rename these cookies to Danger Will Robinson Cookies.  They are […]