Exploded Pyrex by thatedeguy

A warning on Pyrex type baking dishes

Exploded Pyrex by thatedeguyMy mom sent me this, and I thought I’d pass it along.  I use glass casseroles and pie pans all the time, and I always thought the glass was super good with heat.  I didn’t know they could explode!

Looking for a photo to illustrate this post, I ran across a number of photos of exploded pyrex on flickr.  So definitely a warning to keep in mind!

Photo Credit: thatedeguy


The Jan. 2011 Consumer Reports has an article on Pyrex & Anchor Hocking baking dishes exploding. In brief, these companies changed the kind of glass they used somewhere in the 1980’s and the cheaper glass  shatters at lower temperatures than the kind used in older models and European bakeware.
The cautions:

***1) always place hot dish on a dry towel or pot holder. Never on  a cold or wet surface, the top of the stove, a damp towel, a countertop, or metal trivet.
2) Don’t place directly on a burner or under the broiler.  (Probably not in a toaster-oven either)
3) Always preheat oven before putting in dish.
4) Cover bottom of dish with liquid before cooking meat or veg.
5) Don’t add liquid to hot glassware.  (basting in or out of the oven)
6) Don’t take dishes directly from freezer to oven or vice versa.
7) Discard any with chips, scratches, or cracks.

Number 1 is probably the most important and one I did not know.  Most of my pieces are old and probably okay—but I won’t be buying any more!  Higher temperatures also seemed to be a factor, so I will cook dressing in a big corning ware roaster!

Love, M